She looked beautiful, Jim looked good too!! What a happy day...
It was soooooooo HOT, and sunny! Can't you tell?
Stylin in Kelsey's glasses, You're cute babe...
This was the attire that all of the Huffakers we wearing. I didn't have a family pic, those will come soon
And of course, there was DANCING, in which I obviously took part of. My barmitzfa DJ was there so I was the leader for some thing. HELLO I'm not at work!!!! haha jk
yes I did it. I tried out for american idol. If Brooke White can make it that far, I know I can!!! Oh ya, but I didn't hahahah...
You tryout in groups of 4 and there is people everywhere auditioning. You step forward, sing for like 30 seconds then step back and they take who they want and the rest go home. This was very irritating/frustrating. There were so many people that were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and they said sorry "you're not what we're looking for" Oh man it just stinks that it is a reality show so of course it has to be semi-rigged. They want people that are horrible, extreme, or weird. Im pretty usual looking so i'm not in the market for the next American Idol. I know that a bunch of people try out 2,3, even 4 times until they make it and then they end up going all the way. Man, if I had time and money I would do it. But after all it was a big learning experience in how I need more confidence, and it was so much fun and I met a ton of cute, nice girls that were in our row!
This is Lisa, she is from Chicago and tried out in AZ for the 2nd time and to root me on. We had lots of fun!
So, Jessi took me out for my birthday. It was one of the funnest nights! I still can't get over it.
We ate dinner at Texas Road House, amazing as usual, then we went to the Paramore concert. I am only 22 and I felt like part of the older crowd! But I dont care, Hayley Williams (the singer) is so stinkin good its ridiculous. We jammed out/made fun of people/sweat our butts off/laughed real hard. Thanks Jessi for the awesomely fun night!!!
YEA a new post!:) I need more pics of Shelene...tell her to post some!;) I hear ya on the whole Amer. Idol audition thing....SYTYCD was the SAME way. If you could have seen the AMAZING dancers that they didn't take you would DIE! I really couldn't have told you what it was that they were looking for. All I know was at the beg. of auditions the producer told everyone, "this is a reality show NOT a show about dance." HUH? It was a good experience and I'm glad I did it. Kind of fun but Twitch was in my group and I saw his FIRST audition before he went in front of Nigel and Mary. I LOVE Paramore!
Ya I will post more pictures of them at the wedding, My camera dies so I only got some... And yes Im sure she will post some on her blog! Dude Im gonna get in shape and try out for SYTYCD. And yes Paramore ROCKS!!!!!
It's about freaking time for a new post even though I pretty much know exactly what you've been up to. Anhyway..I'm bummed I couldn't go with you guys to the concert but you know I was out of town and it looks like you had fun with out me, lol.
How fun! I love the skirts you wore for your sisters wedding....they are sooo cute. Good luck with the studio this upcoming week....and it begins! You will love it! I miss it so much already.
Oh yeah...way to go on auditioning for American Idol...that's so cool.
Hey! I'm glad you left a comment on our blog cuz I didn't even know you had one too...I kinda figured you might but I never remembered to ask. Now you are one of the people we dig!!
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