
Well , it's that time of year again. Hahahaha, why must I be such a reality TV junkie? Well just the ones that actually cool. Im takin a dance trip to LA next week and I think I'll stop by AM idol try-outs and see if I have any luck this year. I used to always say, "If Brooke White can do it, than I can." But thats not very cool cause she wasn't even good... Well, I'll report when I return.

Oh, weird auditions for the Fall season are tomorrow in Phoenix. Am I going? No.... umm actually ya I am. i have ABSOLUTELY NO EXPECTATIONS, I am just going for an experience cause I think its fun to get really nervous, mess up and denied apparently. Honestly though, I think that sometimes the judges care more about an entertaining dancre rather than one that can do frontflips into the splits and do 6 pirouettes. Plus, How many tall white girls can hip hop? Not many, I hope!!! Well it should be fun, wish me and auditioning posse luck tomorrow! Kels, Kelly, Alisha, and Scott :)

Check out the sunset. Only in AZ Baby!

Happy Aniversary for us!!! 3 years, Holy crap!

Yes, I am a beehive advise, no comment :)

At Megan's stinkin cute wedding!!! Yes my face is eating the camera, but isn't Michael so cute? Yes.


Alisse Baldwin said...

Calli- I totally think you'd be perfect for SYTYCD! But what if you make BOTH that & AI?! You probably could! :)

Brenden+Nikki said...

YAY! Good luck Calli!! I'm so excited for you and I'm sure you'll do great. Keep us posted!