Okay this was an eventful weekend. Friday was the day of auditions. Alicia White and I left for Phoenix Convention Center at 6:00AM and met Kelsey there. We waited in the line and it was hot hot hot. Kat was there, she is stinkin skinny and cartoon-like. The camera crew was goin crazy and we shot some little segments where we danced around like dorks and rapped about Phoenix. When we got to go inside it was soooo long and so exhausting from being nervous and excited for hours on end. Amazing Dancers everywhere and past SYTYCD contestants which was so cool! Not knowing at all what to expect we went into our audition and did what what we could to show them we can dance. If you asked me what steps or moves I did, no idea.... BUT apparently it was somewhat good cause I got a golden ticket!!! After that I got to do all this fun TV stuff and then I returned Saturday morning for round 2, this time at the theater. This was ridiculous. I danced in front of Mary, Nigel and Mia Michaels, what the crap!?! They were cutting SO many people so I was so nervous. After I danced I knew my chances were real slim. I got cut. Obviuously I was a little bummed, but I couldn't believe that I even got that far and who I was dancing for. We had a lot of fun and I met so many cool people. This was a great experience and Im so glad I didn't chicken out. Thanks for the good times ladies, Im glad we were together!!!!
As far as American Idol, I can't go to LA anymore because I/we have no money. So it looks like that is out of the question this year. Bummer... I hate when money is the controling factor of cool things in life...
How fun! What a great experience. That's cool you made it far enough to try out for them but bummer you didn't make it further. Don't they have Arizona Idol or try outs here?
OMG! I am so friggin excited for you though! How fun to get so far! Side note- I need to play with you soon... so... whenever ya know...
aw dang it! That is so awesome though! I would have peed my pants if I even got that far. That's so cool! :) Congrats!
Hopefully you'll have a cameo on TV when the show airs...congrats though on the 2nd round tryout. That is definitely saying something.
Man that sucks I thought for sure you would make it to vegas! good job though thats amazing and at least your guest judge was Mia Michaels holy crap I love her to death! Hopefully we will get to see you on T.V!
Awesome! That's so cool. How did Kelsey do?
She didn't get passed first cuts, they made fun of the sock on her foot.... weird...
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