
February, Wow time flies

So lately, life has been pretty chill. But it has been fun.
ME: Working at Forever Fit. I will begin doing seminars and nutrition speeches/classes one night a week so if you are interested in learning nutrition basics, ways to cook if you have food intolerances, or want to learn new recipes and taste samples come on down.  They will be held at Brown/Recker in the clinic. Comment if you want information on dates and classes
ME: Still teaching at Higher Ground. I am almost done teaching.  Ive been doing it for 8 years and I'm getting worn out. BUT, I feel like all the girls are my daughters and sisters and it's my duty to make them good dancers so I keep pluggin away!
ME: Singing with a band, kind of. It's what I really want to do with my life. Why do our dreams have to be the things most out of reach or most unrealistic? It's frustrating...
ME: Performing at the SUNS game with my adult compnay Adrenaline, pretty cool.
ME: Having success with my personal nutrition consulting, My first client is seeing results and feeling great, which then makes me feel great :)
ME: Having troubles in the sleep department.  For this reason I have began waking up at 5:00AM to work out, kick my butt, in hopes of being exhausted by the end of the day and crashing out.
ME: Hair color dilemma. Red, Blonde, Red, Blonde..... what to do?

MICHEAL: Way more free time now that his last semester is in action. Only goes to school one night a week, and has way less homework
MICHAEL: Has a new obsession with golf.  I think he thinks it's a rich person thing, and since he wants to be rich, he feels like he needs to start getting good... hahaha, he's a little nerdy
MICHAEL: Still plugging along with his own business. He is doing so well, and it's because he really does deliver excellent customer service.  He is so on top of everything and really takes care of his clients. I am really proud of him for being so successful at such a young age before even graduating.  ANYONE CAN SUCCEED AS LONG AS THEY HAVE THE AMBITION AND DEDICATION!
MICHAEL: Both of us have a new love for "Modern Family." It is so funny. The Valentines episonde was freakin amazing. I love every character. Good, Good show.
MICHAEL: Eats vegetables.  Yes, I said it and yes it is a miracle. If you don't know Michael he comes from a very picky-eater family that mostly eats bread, meat and cheese. Me being dramatically opposite have gotten him to like salad and one very specific vegetable medley that he eats only if I cook it a certain way, but hey!!! That's progress for sure.

That's the update folks! Don't forget to check my FOOD NERD blog and go to Safe Street for an insurance quote. It's free to find out if you can save money so why wouldn't you??? Duh!!


Brenden+Nikki said...

You SERIOUSLY have the best hair of anyone I know, so I think it would look good either way.

Congrats Michael - almost done! Woot Woot!!

Danielle Sherwood said...

Hey Calli, hope this isn't too random for ya! I read your blog and have been wanting to ask you for some advice in the school department...I want to become a Registered Dietician (I'm assuming that is what you are) but have been finding myself drained out just thinking how far I have left to go and how much sciences are involved. I was thinking about maybe switching over to a degree in Exercise and Wellness (since there isn't that much sciences involved) but am not quite sure what career opportunities I can obtain with that degree. SO I'm wondering what you felt about your degree pathway and what advice you have if any in regards to becoming a Registered Dietician or Exercise and Wellness. Sorry, I just am really interested in Nutrition and I can see that you already are having success in your degree!

jc said...

Hey Cali! I am in major need of help! I cooked all the time, but the most unhealthy food ever. I would love to learn new recipes that are healthy and that Jared would actually like. He hates food that is good for you and I am trying to be more healthy. Please, Please help me! And man you are seriously one of the most talented people I know, I am so jealous of you. I wish I could dance like you :(

Hilary said...

hi calli!! i so want info on your nutrition classes i gotta get in shape my friend! email me or whatever- hilsbils2@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Wow on getting him to eat veggies- that is a huge improvement on the cheese crisps for every meal! We had Jaxon sitting at the table until like 7:30 the other night to finish eating and Jason was laughing the whole time saying it reminded him of Michael! And you sound so busy but fun it is your career stuff!